Optimieren Sie Ihren Verpackungsprozess

3DBP Verpackungsoptimierungs Software hilft die richtige Verpackung zu jedem Versand wählen

Hey! I am PackMate

I'm here to assist you with our advanced algorithms, enabling you to optimize your company's operations for enhanced speed and efficiency.

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Which loading space do you have available?


What’s your optimization goal?


What’s your optimization goal?

The Tool to fit your business needs

Pack a Shipment

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Try Out Box Sizes

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Check Max Load

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Stack Pallets

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Find a Missing Dimension

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Find a Box Size

Check out the demo and reveal the full
potential of this tool.
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< 0.1 Sekunde
Durchschnittszeit für eine Berechnung
340+ Millionen
Berechnungen gemacht mit 3DBP
30 Länder
Unser Programm ist weltweit genutzt
1 Stunde
Die Antwortzeit per E-mail

Starten Sie eine 14-tägige Testversion von der 3DBinPacking Software - keine Kreditkarte benötigt.
Dann wählen Sie das Abo, das zu Ihnen passt.
Alle Programme sind in jedem Abo verfügbar.

In the past we had to wait for a shipping quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides this information within seconds. And We don't have
to ask warehousemen which boxes to use for a given order.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get these UPS quantities, for our new items every time a new item would come in. And it was very manual and time consuming, but now with 3DBinPacking,
it probably saves myself 2 to 3 hours a day of work.
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we insert the data about the products and the standard boxes and get the information about the optimal boxes right away.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP about optimal boxes
to use, Venus Remedies was able to estimate the cost of shipping based on its contract with the shipping provider, resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're not required
to wait for somebody to get the order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can ship!
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation, but we can also detect errors on each courier monthly bills, pinpointing each
and every one with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%. An experienced packer can now handle 19% more packages per day. We were surprised ourselves that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping
quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides
this information within seconds.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get
UPS quantities for new items. It was very
time consuming, but now with
3DBinPacking, it probably saves myself 2-3
hours a day of work
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we
insert the data about the products
and the standard boxes and get the
information about the optimal boxes right
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP, we
was able to estimate the cost of shipping based
on its contract with the shipping provider,
resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're
not required to wait for somebody to get the
order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the
guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation,
but we can also detect errors on each courier
monthly bills, pinpointing each and every one
with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%.
An experienced packer can now handle 19% more
per day. We were surprised ourselves
that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're not required
to wait for somebody to get the order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can ship!
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation, but we can also detect errors on each courier monthly bills, pinpointing each
and every one with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%. An experienced packer can now handle 19% more packages per day. We were surprised ourselves that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides this information within seconds. And We don't have
to ask warehousemen which boxes to use for a given order.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get these UPS quantities, for our new items every time a new item would come in. And it was very manual and time consuming, but now with 3DBinPacking,
it probably saves myself 2 to 3 hours a day of work.
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we insert the data about the products and the standard boxes and get the information about the optimal boxes right away.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP about optimal boxes
to use, Venus Remedies was able to estimate the cost of shipping based on its contract with the shipping provider, resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're
not required to wait for somebody to get the
order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the
guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation,
but we can also detect errors on each courier
monthly bills, pinpointing each and every one
with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%.
An experienced packer can now handle 19% more
per day. We were surprised ourselves
that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping
quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides
this information within seconds.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get
UPS quantities for new items. It was very
time consuming, but now with
3DBinPacking, it probably saves myself 2-3
hours a day of work
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we
insert the data about the products
and the standard boxes and get the
information about the optimal boxes right
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP, we
was able to estimate the cost of shipping based
on its contract with the shipping provider,
resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
Warum ist 3DBP die Lösung, die Sie brauchen?


Optimizieren Sie Ihr Verpacken nach Anzahl der Schachteln, Raumauslastung und Kosten

Stapeln von Paletten

Optimieren Sie die Verpackung Ihrer Paletten und reduzieren Sie ihre Anzahl für Transport und Lagerung

Finden Sie die fehlende Abmessung

Berechnen Sie die Maße und die Fläche, die Ihre Verpackung braucht

Finden Sie die Schachtelgrösse

Maximieren Sie die Raumauslastung und berechnen Sie die richtige Schachtel für Ihre Verpackung

Probieren Sie die Schachtelgrössen aus

Vergleichen Sie verpackte Produkte in verschiedenen Schachtelgrössen oder Verpackungsräumen

Überprüfen Sie das maximale Gewicht

Überprüfen Sie genau, wie viele Produkte eine Schachtel oder einen Verpackungsraum bis zur Kapazität füllen.
Die 3DBinPacking Optimierungs Software ist die schnellste
und präziseste Software auf dem Markt
Verpacken Sie Ihre Produkte in einem Augenblick - buchstäblich! Die meisten unserer Verpackungsberechnungen dauern nur wenige Millisekunden.

Wir wollen Ihre Ergebnisse so schnell wie möglich berechnen, somit haben wir die Geschwindigkeit bis zu 80% in letzten Jahren verbessert.

Ihr Kunde wird dies mit Echtzeit-Updates erleben, wenn er Produkte aus seinem Warenkorb oder seiner Bestellung hinzufügt und entfernt.

genau & zuverlässig
Verpacken ist eine Kunst. Es geht darum, es richtig zu machen. Immer und immer wieder.

Simulierte, präzise Berechnungen führen zu einer konkurrenzlosen Optimierung.

Sparen Sie kostspieliges Material und Zeit. Stressen Sie sich weniger und richten Sie Ihren Fokus und Ihre Energie auf die Entwicklung Ihres Unternehmens aus.

Wir haben unsere Software zur Verpackungsoptimierung intuitiv und einfach zu bedienen gemacht.

Machen Sie sich mit Hilfe von Profi-Tipps mit dem System vertraut.

Es sind keine technischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Jeder kann die 3DBP-Software benutzen.

Soziale Verantwortung
Machen Sie einen großen Schritt zur Reduzierung Ihres CO2-Fußabdrucks mit optimaler Ladeplanung.

Weniger Schachteln bedeuten weniger Lkws, weniger Material, Energie und Brennstoff.

Benutzen Sie die Programme von 3DBinPacking für Komfort und wissen Sie, dass Sie die Umweltverschmutzung auf dem Planeten reduzieren, um eine bessere Welt für zukünftige Generationen aufzubauen.

Kundenorientierter Ansatz
Wir betrachten uns gerne als Partner und Mitarbeiter in Ihren Geschäften.

Alle unsere Pläne beinhalten kostenlosen Zugang zum 3DBP-Programm, das dank Kundenfeedback sich entwickelt und perfekt wird.

Wir informieren Sie, wenn Ihr Plan für Ihr Geschäft nicht optimal ist. Wir stehen bei unserem System - wir sind nicht nur für extra Geld! Kennen Sie eine andere Firma, die das tut?

Unser Team arbeitet weiter an neuen und besseren Apps, zu denen Sie als unser Kunde Zugang haben werden.

Starten Sie eine 14-tägige Testversion von der 3DBinPacking Software - keine Kreditkarte benötigt.
Dann wählen Sie das Abo, das zu Ihnen passt.
Alle Programme sind in jedem Abo verfügbar.