Alert Labs Inc.
Award-winning water and A/C intelligence
solutions in the North American market
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Large and small shipments to businesses
Alert Labs

The Alert Labs mission is to help companies protect assets, lower operating costs and increase sustainability in their buildings.

They work with businesses in the US and Canada and ship devices directly to customers with orders varying from 1 product to 10,000.

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How to pack efficiently and charge correctly for shipping

Alert Labs had trouble figuring out the best way to pack and to estimate and provide quotes for shipping costs. They had a manual process that depended on the expertise of one staff member to manually calculate and update the system.

There was one guy who knew how to ship stuff and that one guy knew if you told him: 'hey, I'm going to ship three flowies and two floodies, what box do I use?' And he would, he just knew off the top of his head, but that was the only guy that knew.

This staff member had to be contacted when every order came in and he updated the shipping system with the information. It's not scalable, right?

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3DBP Integrations
3DBP integrated with Salesforce and FedEx

Alert Labs built 3DBP into their Salesforce shipping quote analyzer. It takes the order and sends it through the 3DBP API and returns the optimized result of which boxes the order will be packed into and how much it weighs. This information is then sent through the FedEx API which returns the quote for shipping.

There are two places where we use 3DBP. One, when the order is being generated in Salesforce, so the salesperson is going out and they want to give the customer an accurate value of what the shipping is going to cost.

The second place is when the order is ready to be packed and shipped. It shows the box that you're packing it in. This is how you're going to pack it, where you're going to put it. And this is what it's going to look like at the end.

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Instant results and easy onboarding
The benefits observed


Instant results with 3DBP

3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're not required to wait for somebody to get the order.


No expertise required

3DBP allows anybody to ship. It's not just the guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can ship.

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Fast connections
Integrating the 3DBP API

Strong and clear documentation is a key part of 3DBP’s offer to its customers. And if there are any questions, you can always email or book a call.

To build the specific integration with 3DBP took me not more than a couple of days. The website is clear. We knew on the spot which tool and how to use it. The integration with Salesforce works extremely smoothly.