How to fill the container to its maximum?

The first challenge in transporting components is to optimally fill cargo spaces with a large number of parcels of the same size. The second challenge is to create sets of components that make up the finished product, i.e. the completed order. Component packing is a constant search for an answer to the question of how many items can fit in a given container or in the cargo space of a truck.

Packing the components seems to be a relatively simple activity. Theoretically, it is enough to just check once how many parcels with specific dimensions fit in the selected storage or cargo space, or in the container, cardboard box or pallet. In reality, this can be more complicated.

How can I check how many identical items will fit in a container?

You know the package sizes. You use the same means of transport all the time. Everything is checked, repeatedly tested and reliable. However, it is enough to slightly change the parameters of the cargo space, e.g. the cargo space of a delivery truck is a dozen or so centimeters lower than normal and the usual arrangement of the load turns out to be no longer valid. If, at the same time, there is a change in the size of some packages, you are faced with the difficult task of arranging a new layout and its optimisation which can be a tedious process. In such a situation, using solely the experience and intuition of packers may prove unreliable. And even if you can pack one order quickly and relatively effectively, it may be very difficult to maintain such an efficiency the next time.

The situation changes dramatically when you use our Check Max Load algorithm. All you need to do is enter the dimensions of the cargo space, box or container, and the dimensions of the parcels with goods. And you will get the result: the maximum number of parcels that can fit in a given space. In addition to the package size, the maximum container fill algorithm can also include a weight parameter, e.g. permissible payload of a delivery vehicle. Thanks to this, you will get to know not only how to optimally fill the space, but also you will not exceed the GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight). This is an extremely important parameter when transporting components made of metal, concrete, stone and other materials of high specific weight. It may turn out that although the load of steel bars or cast iron castings does not occupy even half of the cargo space, you have just reached the GVW threshold. Using the algorithm, you can easily determine what means of transport you need to ship a specific order. This is a key issue for the timely delivery of components and the optimal use of your fleet.

How to choose a cargo space for specific components?

You have a specific set of components that you want to send to the customer. You want to use the optimal (in practice the smallest and cheapest to transport) cardboard box, container, pallet or cargo space. Use the Find a Box Size tool for this. It provides you with information on the size of the vehicle, container or cardboard box into which you will need to pack all the parts of the order.

In order to find out the minimum dimensions of the space necessary for packing packages of individual components of the set, you need only to enter into the container matching algorithm the dimensions and number of them. The algorithm is also extremely useful when ordering boxes and collective containers, when selecting a storage space and a suitable truck.

Visual packing instructions

The packing of numerous components are still carried out by manual workers. Each change in the number or size of components in the sets requires quick briefing, and sometimes even staff training. To implement such changes “on the fly” while maintaining optimal cargo space utilisation, you need to develop new “packing instructions” as soon as possible. This is possible thanks to the packing planning system we have created.

Each of the tools we offer provides not only numerical data, but also creates a visualization of the subsequent stages of filling the space. It’s kind of a set of pictorial packing instructions that require no translation or detailed descriptions. The packer receives a visualization on screen or a printout that shows how to optimally fill the available space.

Extremely fast planning process, ready instructions for the packer, a large number of functionalities tailored to specific needs – these are the undeniable advantages of all of our algorithms. If you have any doubts as to which of them will be most helpful in your business, please use the demo version and contact us directly.